How To Pay Off Care Credit. You can get Zero percent interest financing every time you use it and it can only be used for healthcare services and to pay medical bills. How does CareCredit work.
9122014 Can I Pay Off Medical Expenses on My Credit Card With My HSAFSA. Pay Off Your Credit Cards Step By Step Simply follow this step-by-step plan to reduce and pay off your credit card debt. Attack the smallest debt with a vengeance.
Nowhere in their terms do they state that you cant use a credit card to pay them off.
How does CareCredit work. Keep making the minimum payment on all of your credit card accounts. Once that debt is gone take that payment and any extra money you can squeeze out of the budget and apply it to the second-smallest debt while continuing to make minimum payments on the rest. Then youd move on to the card with the 1500 balance and youd pay off the one with the 4000 balance last.