How To Take Care Areca Palm. Avoid breathing the dust. A liquid house plant fertilizer that contains micronutrients will do very well for this purpose.
Propagating Areca Palms Areca palms are grown from seed usually numerous seeds are placed in a single cluster or pot. During the hottest periods of the year especially in summer we recommend the areca palm tree is watered every 2 to 3 days. A little direct sunshine in early morning or late afternoon is fine.
Most gardeners prefer the separation method as it is easier takes less time and guarantees that the new plant will grow to look like the parent.
Areca Palm Care. You might want to repot to replace the used soil and also remove get rid of fertilizer salt deposits. It is not very difficult to take care of the Areca palm plant but the plant wont tolerate neglect. Propagating the Areca palm is very easy.