How To Take Care Of Koi Fish. If you do want to care for the eggs and raise the fry you will need to remove the eggs from the main tank. Common Koi Fish Diseases.
However when the water temperature falls below 41 degrees stop feeding it altogether. Fish tend to do this in general not just Koi fish. Put the aquarium where the fish can get some peace and quiet and give them a few inches of rocks and gravel to dig through.
Moving the Koi to an indoor pond.
In the wintertime when the water in your pond is ice cold the Koi fishs metabolism slows down to a crawl. During winters when the water temperature falls below 50 to 41 degrees you will need to feed your Koi twice or thrice weekly. There are several ways to take care of your Koi in the winter. When you decide to take care of koi fish in your own home pond this is without a doubt the fastest method of reducing daily stress.